Ted Chiang dans Locus

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Ted Chiang dans Locus

Messagepar rmd » 15 juillet 2011 à 15:46

On peut trouver dans le Locus de juillet une excellente interview de Ted chiang.
Avec notamment à propos d'exhalaison :

" ’Exhalation’ is about conceptual breakthrough (to use the term from The Science Fiction Encyclopedia). It’s a way of describing scientific discovery and the experience of gaining a greater understanding of the universe.
Recapturing the experience of conceptual breakthrough, dramatizing that, is one of the things science fiction is good at. You can just as easily do that in a completely made-up universe with a totally different set of physical laws. The underlying process is the same, and I still think of it as scientific investigation"

‘When I initially had the idea for ‘Exhalation’, I didn’t know how to write about a universe that is so radically different f rom ours. Then I remembered the Borges story ‘The Library of Babel’, which is set in a universe that bears absolutely no resemblance to ours in its large scale. So I thought, ‘Maybe I can try and do the Borges thing.’

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